The threat posed to Israel by the demand for a Palestinian state is much worse than what is being reported by the news media. The actual submission for statehood that was presented to the UN last week does not reference the 1967 borders (which would be a disaster for Israel)…instead it references the 1948 borders. This would force Israel to relocate millions of its citizens, give up the airport at Tel Aviv, and of course, surrender complete control of all of Jerusalem.
But even that is not the Palestinians’ true intention. Take a look at the logo below from the official Palestinian mission to the United Nations. Look carefully at the green area in the center of the page—it includes ALL of Israel. The enemies of the Jewish state will never rest until Israel is destroyed. They may make promises of peace in exchange for some land now, but it is only a ploy to give them time to get what they truly want.
It is vitally important that we stand with Israel right now. We must continue to alert Believers around the world to the danger Israel faces, and we must continue to show the Jewish people the love of God.
In two weeks, Jews across Israel will begin celebrating the Feast of Sukkot. During this harvest festival, many people sleep in small booths to remember the wandering of the Chosen People through the Wilderness...and they celebrate with feasting for a full week...but for hungry Jewish children in Israel, this is no time of joy.
Instead they wonder why they have to go to bed hungry every night...why their friends come to school talking about special meals and fun things to eat...why they are left out. Poverty and hunger are very real threats to Jewish children today, as well as to many elderly Holocaust survivors.
As a young Jewish child, I lived in poverty in the projects. I would go to the dump to look for food. I had a stick to dig through the garbage and fight off the rats that were competing with me for the food. I know firsthand how painful it is to go to bed hungry. I will never forget the pit the Lord lifted me out of—thus the reason I care so very much for the suffering, impoverished, and forgotten Jewish refugees in Israel. Jesus said, “I was hungry and you fed Me...what you do for the least of these you have done for Me.”
Today I'm asking you to help provide special Sukkot meals for poor families in Israel. We can turn their hunger and sadness into joy and celebration. We can help make this special time of year happy and meaningful for the poor and hungry of Israel. We can reach out to them in the love of God.
The prophet Isaiah cried out, “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people saith your God” (Isaiah 40:1). The poor of Israel are in great need of our help today. We cannot turn away. We cannot ignore their cries. We must not turn our backs on the poor of Israel, especially at this moment when so much of the world is shunning the Jewish state. Hear the words of the Lord:
Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Surely we did not know this,” Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds? (Proverbs 24:11&12)
God sees your efforts to care for the poor and needy among the Chosen People. When the Children of Israel came before the Lord to celebrate Sukkot, they brought their offerings. Today I'm asking you to send a special, sacrificial Sukkot offering so that we can share the blessings God has given us with hungry Jews in Israel.
When you send your gift to help the Jerusalem Prayer Team feed poor Jews in Israel, we will send you a beautiful set of “Comfort ye my people” note cards with envelopes. If you are able to send a gift of $100 or more, we will send you the note cards along with a lovely “Comfort ye my people” afghan. They will be a constant reminder of your love for poor and hungry of Israel...and the protection and provision of God for His people.
The Jewish people need our help right now as they are isolated and threatened on every side. Every Jew living in Israel knows where the nearest bomb shelter is and lives with the daily reality that an attack could come at any moment, leaving them just seconds to seek shelter. The boycott of Israeli products has crippled Israel’s economy, greatly increasing the cost of living and leaving many struggling just to find enough food to eat.
Your financial support makes it possible for the Jerusalem Prayer Team to continue to raise a shield of prayer over the land of Israel, as well as meet the urgent humanitarian needs of poor and hungry Jews. Thank you so much for being part of this unique and powerful worldwide prayer movement. God bless you.
This is an urgent prayer request. In order for a Palestinian state to come into being, it must get nine votes out of 15 in the Security Council. Secondly the resolution must not be vetoed by any of the five permanent members - the U.S., Britain, France, China and Russia.
The U.S. has declared that it will veto such a resolution if nine or more members vote for a Palestinian state. It will be much better for the U.S. if there are less than nine votes - as the the U.S. would then not have to use its veto - which will further alienate the Arab and Moslem world.
So far, these nations have declared they will vote for a Palestinian state: China, Russia, Brazil, India, Lebanon, South Africa. Now Nigeria and Gabon have just announced they too will vote for a Palestinian state. That makes eight states. The nations that have said they will vote against the UN declaring such a state are the U.S., Britain, France, Germany. That leaves three states: Bosnia, Colombia and Portugal undecided. If the Palestinians can get one of those three to vote for them, they will have the nine votes - a serious blow to the U.S. and Israel, and the Western countries.
When we see these close battles - where one or two votes could change history - we can know there is a fierce battle in the heavenlies. And we are commanded of God to stand in the gap. We can have a part in God's purposes by praying His Will be done. And we know in this issue from hundreds of Bible verses that God has given this land to Israel.
Please pray specifically that Bosnia, Colombia and Portugal will NOT vote for a Palestinian state.
This is not only a serious issue for the West and for Israel. There have been prophetic voices saying that the nations that vote AGAINST ISRAEL will go into deeper economic problems and chaos in their countries. Those who vote FOR ISRAEL will have some economic problems, but will then, by the grace of God, pull out of it.
No one knows when the vote will take place in the Security Council. It could be a matter of days or weeks.
NEW 3: I'm not just writing right now about our effort to protect and defend Israel. Instead, I want to talk to you about my campaign to keep fighting for our shared values in Congress. We're facing a critical financial reporting deadline tonight at midnight and I need help from supporters like you to file a strong report next week.
I won't sugar coat it: the same radicals who want to circumvent the peace process would like nothing more than to defeat me next November. They're unhappy that I've been such a vocal supporter of Israel – and are looking to take me out. It's something we need to be prepared for; but I want you to know that I won't ever back down from my commitment to Israeli security. I will continue pushing my bill in Congress to defund military support for those who vote in favor of the UN resolution prematurely recognizing Palestinian statehood and I will continue opposing them no matter what attacks they hurl over the next year. But I need help from friends like you to make sure our campaign can fight back! There are just a few hours left to make a real difference before the financial deadline expires tonight and we're very close to breaking our $5,000 online goal. Contribute $5 or more right now to stand with me:
If you've ever thought about making a contribution to support our campaign, this is the perfect time. Let's show the radical forces trying to cause chaos in the middle east that we stand strong in support of Israel. Thank you for standing with me and L'shanah tovah,
NEW 4:
Earlier tonight (Thursday), a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, causing damage to an abandoned building. In response, an IAF aircraft targeted a terror activity site in the central Gaza Strip overnight. A direct hit was confirmed.
The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers and will continue to operate against any element that uses terror against the State of Israel. The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organization solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip.
NEW 5:
A Jewish cosmetic company, AHAVA, has been forced to shut the doors on their London store after pressure from pro-Palestinian groups – and Glenn has decided he has had enough. While Glenn has not called for a boycott on companies he’s disagreed with – despite what the media has reported about his distaste for Levi’s progressive campaign – he is now calling for his audience to support business that do share the values that Glenn and his listeners feel are important. The Blaze reports “Boycotters of Israeli products won a round after a two-year harassment campaign in London. AHAVA, the Israeli Dead Sea minerals cosmetics company, announced it closed one of its London stores this weekend.” The Blaze continues to say that while the store had a loyal customer base it had become the center of mass Pro-Palestinian protests.
“Since 2009, pro-Palestinian activists have been gathering on weekends outside the store, harassing customers and employees. The protesters allege their problem with the company is it being based in Mitzpe Shalem, what they consider ‘an illegal and criminal settlement in the occupied territories.’ Protesters also consider the Dead Sea to be “disputed territory” even though a large swath of its shoreline is not even situated in the West Bank, rather in pre-1967 Israel,” The Blaze continues.
While Glenn said he didn’t enjoy the Dead Sea (too hot, too oily, not refreshing, too muddy, blahblahblah), he pointed out that AHAVA has found a way to really use the sea to make some amazing products. “They have found a use for it and it’s these Dead Sea products, and my wife uses them and she has really delicate skin and, you know, she really has to take care of her skin. And they are really good products,” Glenn said.
Glenn really took issue with Code Pink’s reaction to the store closing, and their website said “The above images are the end result of a successful campaign to cleanse London’s Monmouth Street of Ahava, a notorious retailer of Dead Sea beauty products made from natural resources plundered from the Palestinian people and manufactured on an illegal West Bank settlement.”
“ (Plundered) from a territory that never belonged to them,” Pat said of the Palestinian’s claim to the land.
Glenn emphasized that AHAVA was not an advertiser on any of his programs, “I’ve been a purchaser of their products. They’re not a purchaser of mine. Do it because it’s the right thing.”
“You know, I told you about Levis, that ad that came out on Levis that is, you know, Levis says they want to be the they want to be the product or the uniform of progress? They’re showing revolutions, scenes from revolutions in their commercials and they’re extolling it: Hey, never sit down. Never sit down. Really? No thank you, Levis. I’m a huge fan of your product. No thank you,” Glenn said.
“The same thing happened with General Motors. No thank you, General Motors. No thank you.”
“I could be the boycott guy, which I never have. I’ve never told you to turn off Keith Olbermann. He did that himself. I never told you don’t buy a product, don’t do this.”
“It’s your decision. I don’t want to put anybody out of business. They will put themselves out of business,” Glenn said.
“I am not going to put my money in any company anymore, if I can help it, that doesn’t stand for what I stand for. I’m going to look for, instead of saying I’m going to take my money out of here, I’m going to start looking for companies that actually stand for something. That actually believe in the same things that I do. That are small companies that want to get started,” Glenn said.
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Many news about Israel are so bad, but, God is with Israel forever! Shalom and God blesses you!
With all that's been going on at the U.N. over the past weeks, Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), which begins tonight at sundown, seems especially well timed this year. It's a time when the Jewish people recognize God's dominion over the world. As leaders at the U.N. have been discussing the possibility of a Palestinian state, which would seriously jeopardize Israeli security, we need this reminder about God's sovereignty now more than ever.
Though the traditional New Year is a time of frivolity, the Jewish New Year is much more somber. Jewish tradition teaches that, beginning on Rosh Hashanah, God judges the entire world and all its inhabitants, determining their fate for the year to come. Ten days after Rosh Hashanah is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This sacred time is known as the High Holy Days, or Ten Days of Repentance.
Jewish sages teach that our fates are "written" as God judges the world on Rosh Hashanah, and "sealed" on Yom Kippur. We know that we are judged by our actions during the course of the whole year, but just as one would be that much more careful while sitting in a courtroom in front of the presiding judge, we know that now is our last chance to make good before the King of Kings, the Judge of Judges.
And, of course, this spirit of humility and reconciliation is to follow us throughout the year, throughout our lives. The High Holy Days are when we have the most power to transform ourselves and channel our abilities and resources to serve God.
As we approach this sacred time, it is with deep gratitude that I thank you for enabling The Fellowship to bring dignity and joy to some of the most vulnerable among God's people. Over the past few weeks, The Fellowship distributed basic food staples and special holiday foods to thousands of hungry Jewish people in the former Soviet Union and Israel. This humanitarian effort was made possible only by the grace of God and the generosity of The Fellowship's donors, who care so deeply about Israel and the Jewish people. It is deeply humbling — and inspiring — to be a part of such loving kindness.
Whether you are Christian or Jewish, may these days bring you the bounty of God's blessing. May the spirit of generosity and loving kindness that you have consistently shown to the people of Israel be noted by our compassionate and sovereign God — and may the entire world be blessed with His most precious gift of shalom, peace.
Guest Speaker: Pastor Victor Styrsky
Pastor, Author, CUFI Eastern Regional Coordinator
" You will be touched by Victor’s passion for the Word of God and his
impressive work in winning hearts and minds to the Biblical mandate of
standing with Israel.”
- Gary Bauer, President, American Values
"Victor understands God's heart for the Jewish people and is a significant
leadership voice in America that must be heard during these perilous times
for the nation of Israel.”
- Jay Comiskey, Vice-President, Christian Broadcasting Network
The winner and a guest will go on the John Hagee Ministries' tour to Israel from March 12 - March 22, 2012. On this tour you will follow in the footsteps of Jesus from his ministry in Galilee to his final days in Jerusalem, hear Bible teachings from Pastor Hagee at the actual Biblical sites, participate in a communion service at the Garden Tomb, have an opportunity to be baptized in the Jordan river, float in the Dead Sea, visit Masada, participate in two special Christians United for Israel events in Jerusalem, and more.
This trip is the experience of a lifetime. Our participants return home with their faith confirmed and reinvigorated. And they return with an even deeper connection to the people and land of Israel. As the challenges facing Israel increase, it is an enormous blessing to be able to demonstrate support to the people of Israel in this most personal way.
During August, the Israeli authorities coordinated a two-percent increase in the truckload volume of goods and gas that was transferred to Palestinians in Gaza. Only one of many examples of Israeli-Palestinian coordination. In August alone, Israeli and Palestinian representatives held 44 joint meetings.
In August alone, 44 meetings were held among Israeli and Palestinian representatives. Photo: COGAT website.
A seven percent increase in Palestinian patients and their families
Thousands of Palestinians receive medical treatment in Israel on a yearly basis. Israeli medical facilities handled a seven-percent increase in Palestinian patients and accompanying individuals who could not have their needs met by Palestinian medical services. Six hundred and three patients and 598 accompanying individuals received travel permits, allowing them to receive medical treatment abroad, or in Israel or Judea and Samaria.
US president warns that UN action would not achieve Palestinian state, White House says; "We would have to oppose any action at UNSC."
Talkbacks (123)
NEW YORK - US President Barack Obama told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday that UN action would not achieve a Palestinian state and the United States would veto any Security Council move to recognize Palestinian statehood, the White House said.
"We would have to oppose any action at the UN Security Council including, if necessary, vetoing," Ben Rhodes, the White House national security council spokesman, told reporters after Obama met Abbas in New York.
At the same time, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Wednesday evening before a meeting with US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in New York that negotiations with the Palestinians are needed in order to reach a peace agreement.
When asked about the settlements in a joint press conference, Netanyahu said "I did something that no previous Israeli government did. I actually froze any construction for ten months, waited nine months and one week." He went on to say that "the Palestinians finally came and said, well, keep on freezing."
The prime minister said that Israel concluded with the United States that the real issues must be addressed in order to get peace. "We have to negotiate the issues to resolve them. We can’t just negotiate about the negotiations," he added.
Earlier on Wednesday, Obama told the UN General Assembly that there could be “no shortcuts” to peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, and that negotiations between the two parties would be the only means to achieving a true and lasting peace.
In his 20-minute speech before the international body, Obama devoted significant time to discussing the Israeli- Palestinian conflict.
Obama alluded to his remarks before the General Assembly in 2010. In that speech, he had expressed his hope that there would be a Palestinian state requesting membership in 2011 – remarks that could be seen as prescient in light of Abbas’s plans to petition the Security Council to recognize Palestine as a state.
However, Obama distinguished between what he had said last year and the situation before the international body today.
“One year ago, I stood at this podium and called for an independent Palestine,” the US president said. “I believed then – and I believe now – that the Palestinian people deserve a state of their own. But what I also said is that genuine peace can only be realized between Israelis and Palestinians themselves.”
Noting that one year later, Israelis and Palestinians “have not bridged their differences,” Obama iterated the American position – albeit implicitly rather than explicitly referencing Abbas – that peace can only be achieved through bilateral negotiations.
“Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the UN – if it were that easy, it would have been accomplished by now,” Obama said. “Ultimately, it is Israelis and Palestinians who must live side by side. Ultimately, it is Israelis and Palestinians – not us – who must reach agreement on the issues that divide them: on borders and security; on refugees and Jerusalem.”
Peace, he said, “depends upon compromise among peoples who must live together long after our speeches are over, and our votes have been counted.”
The president cited Northern Ireland and southern Sudan as examples of people who put aside their differences in the name of compromise and a livable peace: “That is the path to a Palestinian state.”
While emphasizing his support for an independent Palestinian state, Obama did so comparatively briefly. He characterized America’s commitment to Israel’s security as “unshakeable,” highlighting instances of attacks on Israel and referencing the Holocaust.
“America’s commitment to Israel’s security is unshakeable, and our friendship with Israel is deep and enduring,” Obama said. “And so we believe that any lasting peace must acknowledge the very real security concerns that Israel faces every single day.
“Let’s be honest: Israel is surrounded by neighbors that have waged repeated wars against it.
Israel’s citizens have been killed by rockets fired at their houses and suicide bombs on their buses. Israel’s children come of age knowing that throughout the region, other children are taught to hate them,” the president said. “Israel, a small country of less than eight million people, looks out at a world where leaders of much larger nations threaten to wipe it off of the map.
“The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile, persecution, and the fresh memory of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they were,” the president said.
NEW 1:
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Was it a speech to help launch his campaign for re-election, or an address to bury hopes for immediate Palestinian statehood recognition?
Both assessments marked the immediate reaction to President Obama’s speech Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly, and there was ammunition for both arguments. But both also may have missed the point: The speech smacked of what has become an Obama specialty: the “get real speech.”
In this case, his target appeared to be the United Nations and its constituent members. The bottom line of the Israeli-Palestinian portion of the speech -- 635 words out of 4,500 -- was that dismissing real Israeli concerns about security was not a good way to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
“The Jewish people have forged a successful state in their historic homeland. Israel deserves recognition,” Obama said after outlining the array of threats that Israelis have faced in recent years, including rocket attacks and suicide bombers. “It deserves normal relations with its neighbors. And friends of the Palestinians do them no favors by ignoring this truth, just as friends of Israel must recognize the need to pursue a two-state solution with a secure Israel next to an independent Palestine.”
This Obama characteristic -- presenting himself as a truth teller -- has rankled rivals. Some critics in the United States and Israel have described it as arrogance.
But in the context of the Palestinian efforts this week to achieve statehood recognition, there was only gratitude from Israeli and Jewish leaders, who thanked Obama for making it clear to the assembled world leaders that pre-emptive Palestinian statehood would not get anywhere.
“You’ve also made it clear that the Palestinians deserve a state, but it’s a state that has to make that peace with Israel,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at an appearance with Obama after the president delivered the speech. “And, therefore, their attempt to shortcut this process, not negotiate a peace -- that attempt to get membership, state membership in the United Nations -- will not succeed.”
The speech was underpinned by U.S. efforts to draw away enough votes to make a difference on the issue of statehood recognition for the Palestinians. If fewer than nine of the 15 U.N. Security Council nations vote for statehood, the United States would not have to exercise its veto in the council. If the Palestinians attempt to achieve enhanced status through the General Assembly, they will likely gain the necessary majority -- but votes against or abstentions by European and Western nations would rob them of a moral victory.
“If the Palestinians are truly serious about a viable two-state deal, they should stop the counterproductive brinksmanship at the U.N. and return to the negotiating table now,” said David Harris, the director of the American Jewish Committee.
Harris and his counterparts at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Anti-Defamation League and B’nai B’rith International all praised Obama’s speech.
Advocates of greater pressure on Netanyahu to make concessions to the Palestinians said Obama’s speech reeked of electioneering at a time when the Obama campaign is trying to reach out to the Jewish community to staunch the loss of Jewish support.
“Obama to UN. Israelis and Jews suffer. Palestinians, not so much. Full court pander 2 lobby,” Tweeted M.J. Rosenberg, a columnist with the liberal Media Matters website.
Others detected a note of despair from a president who has tried from his first day in office to restart talks.
“Regrettably, the president’s words offered very little in the way of hope to Israelis and Palestinians,” Americans for Peace Now said. “The United States cannot maintain credibility as the standard-bearer of rights and freedoms while the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is left to fester."
Obama prides himself, perhaps to a fault, on telling his listeners what he considers to be uncomfortable truths. He unsettled Arab listeners in his June 2009 Cairo speech by lecturing them about the futility of Holocaust denial. People involved in crafting that speech have said there was a recognition that the Muslim world anticipated a love fest but that the president thought it important to address what he sees an obstacle to Muslim-Western reconciliation.
Likewise, when Obama spoke to the annual AIPAC conference in May, he reiterated his call from several days earlier calling on Israel to negotiate on the basis of the 1967 lines, with mutually agreed swaps. Many conference-goers had hoped Obama would offer a more conciliatory speech to the pro-Israel crowd.
The Washington Convention Center fell silent when the president outlined a bleak future should Israel not come to the talks table and implicitly criticized Netanyahu for offering too little to make a difference.
“The march to isolate Israel internationally -- and the impulse of the Palestinians to abandon negotiations --- will continue to gain momentum in the absence of a credible peace process and alternative,” he said. “And for us to have leverage with the Palestinians, to have leverage with the Arab states and with the international community, the basis for negotiations has to hold out the prospect of success.”
At the United Nations on Wednesday, however, Obama focused on what the Palestinians and the Arab world need to offer the Israelis: security assurances.
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New 2:
Dear Joseph,
Tomorrow, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas intends to introduce a resolution seeking unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state at the United Nations.
Thankfully, the United Nations will also hear from others tomorrow. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will address the world body in order to "tell the truth."
CUFI has been telling the truth about Israel and the Middle East conflict since our birth 5 ½ years ago. Over the past few weeks, we've taken the lead in telling the truth about the Palestinian Authority’s cynical UN ploy.
Since last Thursday, CUFI activists have sent more than 45,000 emails to President Obama asking him to keep his pledge to oppose this Palestinian resolution and urging him to assert the full diplomatic might of the United States in this effort.
Since Tuesday, over 50,000 CUFI activists have sent emails to Prime Minister Netanyahu reminding him that when he enters the "lions den" of the UN General Assembly, he will not stand alone. He will have millions of Christian supporters standing with him.
And so far this month, we've held 31 pro-Israel events in cities, towns and campuses from coast to coast to educate Christians about the latest threats to Israel and how they can best fight back.
We know that Israel's enemies are escalating their attacks on the Jewish State. We intend to escalate our support. We pray that you will help us rise to this historic challenge.
Israel is under New York City at the United Nations meeting.
I wrote earlier this week asking you to join the Freedom Center's "Save Israel" Campaign. I'm writing again today because the stakes have been raised. Unless concerned citizens like you and me rally around Israel, this week may very well mark the beginning of the end of her existence.
I mentioned in my last letter that the Freedom Center is publishing 10 Reasons to Abolish the UN-- a pamphlet that shows the moral lunacy of this organization being allowed to stand in judgment over a country such as Israel. We are also publishing another important work-- Stolen History: How the Palestinians and their Allies Attach Israel's Right to Exist by Erasing its Past by David Meir-Levi. This pamphlet show how the attack on Israel increasingly includes an Orwellian effort by pro-Palestinian left's archaeologists, historians, and scriptural scholars to deny Israel's very historical existence!
We plan to distribute these pamphlets to over 500 Universities and Colleges across America and send them to every member of Congress, media outlets and concerned citizens. Our goal is to have 500,000 copies of these vitally important works distributed in the next month, beginning with emergency mailings this week as the UN treachery begins. That means we must raise $50,000 in the next 48 hours to cover printing and distribution costs.
With the effort intensifying to make the only democracy in the Middle East a pariah state, many have asked what America's role has been? I'm ashamed to tell you that we've made matters worse. Barack Obama fired the first shot in the war that will climax this week in New York when said in Cairo two years again that a peace in the Israeli-Palestinian "conflict" was a precondition for solving all other problems in the Middle East--exactly the position of all of Israel's enemies in the region!
Obama fired the second shot a few months ago when he demanded that Israel pull back to the indefensible borders that existed before the 1967 Six Day War. American Presidents since Harry Truman have been careful not to take such a reckless step. No wonder the Israelis are asking themselves why, with a friend like Obama, do they need enemies? You can read more about the attacks on Israel in Stolen History, soplease make your donation of $25 or more right away.
As the drama of Israel's isolation reaches a climax this week, I desperately need your help to send a message to the corrupt and anti-Semitic UN and to a White House deeply unsympathetic to the idea of a Jewish State--Never again.
Whether you can give $25 or $2,500-- your support is invaluable. Thank you in advance for continuing to stand with Israel and the Freedom Center.
David Horowitz
President & Founder
P.S. Stand up for Israel—and democracy—by supporting the Freedom Center's "Save Israel" Campaign with a generous, tax-deductible contribution today. Please follow this link to give $25 or more and I'll rush you a copy of our two new pamphlets:10 Reasons to Abolish the UN and Stolen History: How the Palestinians and their Allies Attach Israel's Right to Exist. Thank you--David
NEW 4: The bigots and anti-Semites of the world came together as one yesterday to denounce Israel--and you and me--as racists. Those of us--Zionists--who believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in peace and safety in their ancient homeland...are described as the worst sort of racists in the modern world!
It is an outrage. They are crucifying Israel, trying to destroy this tiny nation surrounded by a sea of enemies. They readily admit that a Palestinian state is just a "first step" in their plan to destroy the Jewish state. This battle is not over land or borders or settlements; it is over the survival of Israel. It must be understood in this light, and those of us who know the truth must speak out now before it is too late.
I urgently need your help today. We have prepared an ad to support Israel that we want to run in major papers across the country--especially in Washington and New York City. These ads will be seen by the leaders of our nation and the leaders of the world...but even more importantly, they will be seen by God-fearing Believers who will join us in fervent intercession for the protection of Israel from her enemies.
It will cost about $84,000 to run this ad in the Washington Post and $139,000 to run it in the New York Times. So far $28,000 has come in toward this project. This is a major expense, but I believe it is worth it to send a message to both our leaders and Believers all over the country...but we can't do it without your help. I am in New York fighting for Israel. Please, if you are ever going to do something great for God, now is the time. Will you help sponsor this ad with your gift today? Will you stand for Israel and help us encourage our leaders to do the same? Will you help win the battle for Israel's survival?
The bottom line is this...while a Security Council veto would deny the Palestinians official member status they can also seek upgraded observer status at the General Assembly as a non-member state.
This could be interpreted as implicit UN recognition of Palestinian statehood because the assembly would be acknowledging that the Palestinians control an actual state. The advantage of this option is that it would require only a simple majority of the General Assembly. Since around 120 countries have already recognized the state of Palestine to date, it would likely win such a vote overwhelmingly.
If the Palestinians were to be recognized as a non-member state, they would be able to sign certain international treaties, such as the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which they cannot currently sign. This will mean thousands of lawsuits against Israel and isolation and demonization of the State of Israel.
Every child of God must fight this battle in prayer. This is a spirit battle led by Satan himself...please join me right now in binding that spirit in the name of JESUS...and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
We must continue our national campaign to alert people to the danger posed--not just to Israel but to America as well--by the Obama Administration's plan to divide Jerusalem and curse Israel. I need your financial support in order to be able to go to attend these two major events--the UN General Assembly meeting and the Durban III conference. I have just returned from speaking to the world from Israel, and I must stand for Israel in the face of opposition from nearly the entire world.
Please join me right now and pray a commanded blessing over every one who gives to help defend Israel. "Father, open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing on those who have given that they will not have room to contain, and rebuke the devourer for their sake in the name of Yeshua--Jesus, Amen."
Now is our moment. This is our time. God has brought us together for this defining crossroads moment of human history. Will you help me stand for Israel? Will you pray for God's blessing and protection for me on this vital trip? Will you give to meet the needs of the Jewish people and allow me to continue to stand for them on the world stage?
Every nation and individual that supports the plan to curse Israel and steal from her the land God promised the Jews as an eternal possession will suffer His chastisement and judgment. Every nation and individual that opposes this plan and stands with Israel as a blessing to her will enjoy His blessing. That is why we have launched a national campaign to rally opposition to the Obama Administration's plan, to expose the anti-Semitism that lies behind world efforts to curse Israel, and to support the Jewish people. Your gift today to bless Israel is urgently needed.
America is on a prophetic countdown to the gravest days in our history. In a few days, a vote will be taken at the United Nations that will force America to choose between standing with Israel and standing with her enemies. Israeli leaders have asked the Jerusalem Prayer Team for its support at the United Nations and a week later as the nations of the world gather for the demonic Durban III conference to continue accusing Zionists of being racists. The first Durban Conference occurred in 2001. At that conference, the Palestinians distributed copies of the anti-Semitic "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" to all delegates. It was the most evil, anti-Semitic UN assembly ever against Israel.
The conference ended on September 8, 2001...and 72 hours later, the US was attacked by Radical Islam. I can assure you that in the spirit realm, this was no coincidence. God's Word promises a curse on any nation that touches Jerusalem. Once before, an American President attempted to divide Jerusalem and surrender the Temple Mount to radical Islam. That president was Bill Clinton. Now President Obama plans to do the same--this time by formally recognizing a Palestine State at the UN in September within days of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
I do not believe for a second that all the economic and political turmoil America is going through is coincidental. America needs Divine intervention that can only come from God's people standing in the gap like Esther. I am asking every Jerusalem Prayer Team member to stand up to Jew hatred like Corrie ten Boom and her family did in Holland during the Holocaust.
In my new book, "The Protocols," I reveal how so many of the modern expressions of anti-Semitism trace their roots back to "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." I wrote this thriller, "The Protocols," to expose to the world the fact that although it was uncovered as a forgery not long after it was written, millions of people today still accept it as truth...and act on that false belief. My new book is a chilling look at how the tentacles of hatred of Jews reach even into our own country.
When you send your gift of $30 or more, we will send you a copy of "The Protocols." This powerful book explains the anti-Semitism behind the plot to divide Jerusalem and curse Israel. If you are able to send a gift of $80 or more, we will send you an autographed hardback copy. This is the truth that our world most urgently needs to hear today.
If you are able to send a gift of $150 or more for this national campaign, we will send you a beautiful silver finish menorah in addition to the autographed hardback copy of "The Protocols." This ancient symbol of God's presence among His people will be a constant reminder to you and to all those who see it of your support for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel and a wonderful reminder to you to continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. If you are able to send a gift of $1,000 or more, we will send you the book, the menorah, and a beautiful, large hand-crafted silver-trimmed shofar. It is a museum-quality piece and will be a constant expression of your love for the Chosen People.
The Jerusalem Prayer Team has set up a dedicated prayer wall especially for this campaign to defend Israel. Post your prayers that God will guide your nation and turn the hearts of your leaders toward Israel...that He will grant Israel His favor and guard and defend His Chosen People. Your prayers will be an encouragement to others, and we ask that you take a moment to share your prayers for the Jewish state...and that you continue to pray faithfully for the peace of Jerusalem.
Your support of the Jerusalem Prayer Team makes it possible for us to continue to stand for Israel on the world stage, to rally Believers across the globe to join in fervent intercession for Israel, and to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of the Chosen People. Thank you so much for being part of the team.
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If you wish to donate by mail, please send your check to the following address. Please mark the project to which you wish to donate on your check.
NEW 5: It's been a few weeks since I've updated you on my bill to cut off U.S. military funding to governments who recognize a Palestinian state in the upcoming United Nations vote. I'm proud to let you know that momentum is building. The legislation has been formally introduced and we've been able to garner national press attention for the legislation.
This legislation will send a message that you cannot come to Congress and ask us to fund your military efforts then head to the UN and vote against our national interests at the United Nations. That is an incredibly dangerous path and only seeks to put one of America's most important strategic allies at risk.
Watch my interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell to see me discuss why I'm fighting to protect Israel!
This UN vote is nothing but a political stunt. If Palestinian leaders truly wanted to achieve statehood right now then they would be negotiating with Israel.
For decades, Israel has been a patient, active participant in the peace process. Israel has given plenty of concessions. Now, in spite of the fact that the Peace Process is ongoing, Palestinian leaders are suddenly trying to pre-emptively go to the United Nations? It doesn't make sense and it's why I'm fighting so hard to ensure this resolution fails.
But my bold action on this issue has made me a target of those who are seeking to deny the Peace Process time to work. We need to be ready to prepare ourselves for the upcoming attacks. Can I count on you to have my back in this fight?
Watch the Andrea Mitchell interview here then chip in $5 or more to help us raise $5,000 before the September 30th deadline:
The campaign to de-legitimize Israel is in full force this week at the UN.
The world is about to strike Israel with a "one-two punch"!
The Palestinians are about to unilaterally declare the creation of a Palestinian state inside the borders of Israel with much of the world's backing and blessing.
At the same time, the UN sponsored Durban III "anti-racism" conference is actually a forum to promote racism, intolerance, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, and to erode freedom of speech and Israel's right to exist.
In summary, the world will once again be lead to believe that Israel is an anti-peace, occupying, racist regime that persecutes Palestinians and has forfeited its legitimate right to exist within secure borders.
We know that nothing could be further from the truth, but the world does not!
The "flotilla" incident and Turkey's aggressive campaign of lies was another attempt to de-legitimize Israel. United with Israel, in cooperation with the IDF and Israel's Foreign Ministry lead the effort to teach the world the TRUTH about the flotilla. And about why Israel has every right to defend itself against acts of aggression.
United with Israel's massive global reach is the greatest weapon that Israel has to fight the battle of world opinion. This effort takes time, dedication and hard work from our devoted, highly trained staff. United with Israel runs aggressive 'alternative media' campaigns to fight against the extreme anti-Israel bias in the mainstream media.
The enemies of Israel have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to de-legitimize Israel and spread lies.Now it's time to help United with Israel spread the TRUTH to hundreds of millions of people around the world who simply don't know the facts.
In anticipation of the imminent "one-two punch" that Israel will suffer in the coming days, we ask that you be our partner and donate generously to help United with Israelteach the world the TRUTH about Israel. And to combat the anti-Israel smear campaign in the UN and throughout the world.
On September 23 the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) will officially close the door to a peace process that began nearly two decades ago by seeking statehood unilaterally at the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA). UNGA resolutions are not legally binding, but the recognition of a Palestinian state at the General Assembly will hurt Israel diplomatically, undermine its ability to perform security operations in the West Bank, and will influence the U.N. Security Council – whose resolutions are legally binding – to recognize a Palestinian state.
The General Assembly is made up of 192 countries, all of which are U.N. members. A majority are Arab and Third World nations that are anti-Israel and have historically passed a disproportionate amount of resolutions condemning Israel. This practice can be traced back to 1974, when the UNGA passed the infamous“Zionism is Racism” resolution. Since a General Assembly vote has no legal standing, and because the Obama administration has already stated that it will veto Palestinian statehood if it reaches the Security Council, what will the Palestinian Authority gain from pursuing this?
I asked this question to my fellow Israelis and was intrigued by their response. Many people I spoke with think that the P.A.’s real motive is to drive a wedge between Israel and the U.S., and to further isolate Israel internationally. The P.A. believes that if Israel loses the support of the U.S., it will no longer have the ability to defend itself, and it will only be a matter of time before Israel is weakened to a point of submission.
Elad, a former paratrooper in the Israeli army, views the upcoming U.N. vote as another chapter in the P.A.’s diplomatic warfare against Israel. “The P.A.’s push for statehood after refusing to negotiate for over two years forces the U.S. to choose between supporting Israel or joining the U.N. majority in voting for a Palestinian state,” he said.
“I think Obama will veto a Palestinian state at the U.N.,” Elad stated, “but he will want something in return from Israel.” That “something,” most Israelis fear, is more concessions to the Palestinians.
I know that many Americans love Israel and will forever stand with the Jewish State. Therefore, no matter what happens in the U.N. this month, I have full faith that the God of Israel will protect His nation, and award the people who stood by her through thick and thin.