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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rabbis Ask Evangelicals to Restore Values to America

'No country has lasted when it has become corrupt morally'

Voters in South Carolina – including the large numbers of evangelical Christians and Catholics there – are in the crosshairs of GOP political campaigns as they decide who should run against Democrat Barack Obama this fall.
And they are being asked by hundreds of Orthodox rabbis to think long and hard about their decision and “vote morality” instead of flash and dash of politics or the economy.
“No country, no empire has historically lasted past a certain stage when it has become corrupt morally,” said Yehuda Levin, a rabbi who is a spokesman for the Rabbinical Alliance of America.
The request is coming from the organization’s members, not the organization itself.
He noted that his organization doesn’t officially endorse a political candidate, but he’s warning South Carolina voters to think about the future of the nation.
Read all about how homosexuality has invaded Main Street, in “The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom”
“By all measuring sticks, Gov. [Mitt] Romney is not at all socially conservative. He is not biblically conservative. I don’t think his positions are in accordance with his own Mormon faith,” Levin said.
“Therefore, our country is now facing a terrible, terrible situation, where, God forbid, we continue this hurtling toward Gomorrah, this decline.”
He said a loss of morality will be followed by a loss of economy, culture and religion.
“We are appealing to evangelicals, Catholics to put as a primary focus, a primary issue even before money, is morality and decency,” he said.
“We plead with you to spread this message,” he said. “Choose a candidate who has lived a pro-family life.”
He also released his message on video:

“We all remember the story of Jonah and Nineveh. The prophet warned that God had decreed the destruction of the city in forty days,” he said in a prepared statement. “America’s fate will likely be determined in the South Carolina presidential primary January 21. The man who the voters choose will probably become the Republican presidential nominee, the man charged with defeating President Obama and reversing the moral and economic freefall he and his allies have encouraged.”
He said Romney’s “basic concern is money and power.”
“In a recent televised Republican presidential debate, Gov. Romney, a dangerous homosexualist, boasted that he will continue to pander to the lowest elements of American society in many areas, including appointment to the (Supreme) court(s),” Levin said.
“Another candidate in that debate took the opposite position. He condemned the murder of defenseless babies, openly defied the rampant immorality promoted in the media, etc., and clearly pointed out the connection between America’s financial and military success and its historical commitment to the biblical principles of jurisprudence and morality,” he said.
“If America is to regain God’s grace and rebuild our ruined economy, it is crucial that South Carolina actively reject Gov. Romney’s previous record and future aspirations. Choose the right man. The man who has lived and shares our biblical values, the moral man with the uncompromising moral positions who will thus bring God’s blessings, once again, to our society.”
He said, “Capitalism alone can not save [America]. No amount of financial tinkering can save a country which is morally bankrupt – that is what we learn from the decline and fall of the great empires of history.”
The group, some 850 Orthodox Jewish rabbis in the U.S. and Canada, serving some 500,000 religious Jews, earlier noted that it was “compelled” to “condemn Mitt Romney’s support and promotion of the immoral homosexual lifestyle and agenda.”
A WND request for comment from the Romney campaign did not generate a response.
The earlier statement stemmed from a special conclave of the rabbis:
WND reported last month about the “Declaration on the Torah Approach to Homosexuality” from dozens of rabbis, community leaders and even mental health professionals.
It states that same-sex attractions can be modified and “healed,” and condemns the “propaganda blitz” that has been launched “to persuade the public about the legitimacy of homosexuality.”
“The media is rife with negative labels implying that one is ‘hateful’ or ‘homophobic’ if they do not accept the homosexual lifestyle as legitimate. This political coercion has silenced many into acquiescence. Unfortunately this attitude has seeped into the Torah community and many have become confused or have accepted the media’s portrayal of this issue,” the statement says.
“The Torah makes a clear statement that homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle or a genuine identity by severely prohibiting its conduct. Furthermore, the Torah, ever prescient about negative secular influences, warns us in Vayikra (Leviticus) 20:23 ‘Do not follow the traditions of the nations that I expel from before you…’ Particularly the Torah writes this in regards to homosexuality and other forbidden sexual liaisons,” the statement says.
The rabbis’ statement today cited a new book from Amy Contrada that is called, “Mitt Romney’s Deception.” The book documents Romney’s career promises to advance the homosexual agenda and issue proclamations celebrating homosexual youth pride.

Blaming Obama
It was just days earlier that a former lesbian now running a specialized ministry said Obama is using his worldwide influence “and the financial power of the government” to promote homosexuality.
That’s from Janet Boynes of Janet Boynes Ministries, which states up-front that its goal is to “minister to individuals who question their sexuality or who wish to leave homosexuality. JBM will seek to inform and challenge churches and society about the issues surrounding sexuality and teach how to minister to the homosexual community.”
She told WND that many “young and naïve secularists” are busy following Obama’s leading on his sexually permissive agenda, and the result of that will lead “to the demise of traditional values and families,” she said.
The Obama agenda also “propagates the attack of Judeo-Christian beliefs on a global level.”
But while other ministries are critical of Obama’s pro-homosexual drive – he’s put more homosexuals in positions of power than any other president, opened the U.S. military to open homosexuality and signed into law a “hate crimes” plan that provides special protections for homosexuals – Boynes goes one step further.
“The Bible says that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10),” she said. “It is his main objective to bring confusion and cause division within the church and he does this by altering God’s truth in such a way that many Christians are deceived if they are not rooted and grounded in God’s word.”
WND recently reported on the policy of the Obama administration to be the new global sex cop and a recently signed executive order that some say is sure to promote “quotas” of LGBT hires for federal government jobs.
WND also reported on the push by various administration officials to normalize LGBT behavior, including the designation of “gender identity” as a protected status for federal jobs.
WND columnist Matt Barber wrote that liberals are “desperate” in their efforts “to dredge up some natural, biological rationalization – of which science has found none – to validate demonstrably unnatural behavior.”
“That’s why we see such visceral hatred on the left for the ex-gay community. From a political and legal standpoint, it’s strategically critical that these same liberals undermine and marginalize the very real-life experiences of untold thousands of former homosexuals,” he wrote. “This mean-spiritedness represents a profound lack of respect for other people’s ‘right to choose.’ Their favorite dig is: ‘You can’t pray away the gay.’ Once you’ve self-identified as – or been labeled – ‘gay,’ you’re stuck with it, you see.
“Ironically, these same liberals will suggest with a straight face (no pun intended) that something that is innate – a person’s biological sex – can change. If you’re a man who, today, feels like a woman, why then, snippity-snip and voila! You’re a woman,” he said.

Only God can save our country, if all Americans seek Him!
God blesses United States and all Americans!

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