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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Take Action For Israel 24

ACT 1:
Action Alert New
Dear Friend,

Last week, it appeared that President Obama intended to nominate former Senator Chuck Hagel to be our next Secretary of Defense.  Despite the outpouring of opposition that followed this news, Hagel is still a contender for the job.  Hagel’s nomination would be bad news for America and Israel.

Last Friday, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) announced that he would vote against Hagel if nominated   It is crucial that other senators follow Senator Cornyn's courageous lead, and do so immediately.  The easiest time to stop Hagel’s nomination is before it’s ever made.  Please click here now to ask your senators to publicly oppose this nomination. 

The greatest threat to our security – and that of our front-line ally Israel – is a rising and potentially nuclear Iran.  Yet Senator Hagel has demonstrated a troubling blind spot towards this threat.  In the Senate, he repeatedly opposed economic sanctions on Iran intended to stop its nuclear program.  He also opposed recognizing Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization.  Finally, he refused to support efforts to further isolate Iran’s number one puppet: Hezbollah.

If you don’t recognize the greatest threats to America, you cannot defend against them.

Senator Hagel is a good man who has served his country bravely.  But he’s not the right man to lead the Department of Defense and ensure our security in the future.

Click here now to help ensure that Senator Hagel isn’t nominated for this critical job.
May God Bless You and Those that You Love,
Pastor John Hagee                   David Brog
Chairman                                   Executive Director
CUFI                                           CUFI

ACT 2:
House members are circulating a letter to President Obama that urges him to send a strong message of disapproval to the Palestinian leadership for its decision to seek an upgrade of its status at the United Nations.
Contact Congress

More information:


Monday, December 24, 2012



President Shimon Peres: "It is for me a privilege, as president of the State of Israel, to send profound wishes on behalf of all of Israel for a Merry Christmas to the whole Christian world and to express the hope that the Middle East may enter an era of peace and prosperity."

And from all of us at the Embassy of Israel in Washington, we wish all those who celebrate a Merry Christmas.


You have helped turn despair into hope for so many suffering Jews around the world and have been a blessing to the people of Israel during the recent rocket attacks earlier this month.
May God bless you for your generosity — and may this season of miracles be one of peace and joy for you and your loved ones.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26)

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
Founder and President



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Take Action For Israel 23

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is on the verge of passing a radical new Shariah law-based constitution.
Egypt's anti-American, anti-Israel Muslim Brotherhood government could use this radical Islamic constitution to strip religious liberty from Egypt's Christians, the largest Christian community in the Middle East.
Yet the Obama Administration is still planning to send 20 of our most sophisticated fighter jets and 200 of our best tanks to a regime that is a threat to Egypt's Christians and Israel.
The ACLJ is working with Members of Congress to ensure that our best military weapons are not used against Egypt's Christians or against Israel.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel
P.S. Please share this critical petition on Facebook and through email with everyone you know who wants to defend persecuted Christians and Israel.
Contribute NowDouble Your GiftSource:


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

JESUS CHRIST: The True Moshiach (ימות המשיח)

What evidence is there that Jesus is who he really claimed to be? How do we know he wasn’t some kind of imposter? Let’s take a look at some renowned imposters and see if that title fits Jesus, or whether there is evidence to support his claims.
Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr. was called the great imposter. Demara held phony identities of psychologist, university lecturer, college department head, school teacher, and prison warden. He even performed surgeries, as a bogus doctor.
Some argue that Frank Abagnale was an even greater imposter. Between the ages of 16 and 21, Abagnale was one of the world’s most successful con artists. He cashed $2.5 million in fraudulent checks in all 50 states and 26 foreign countries. He also successfully passed himself off as an airline pilot, an attorney, a college professor, and a pediatrician before being apprehended by the French police.
If this story sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because you watched the 2002 movie Catch Me If You Can, in which Abagnale was played by Leonardo DiCaprio (who passed himself off as an actor in Titanic).
What would it take to top Abagnale’s performance as a con man? Well, if Jesus Christ weren’t the Messiah he claimed to be, there would be no contest. We’re not talking about conning thousands, as in the case of Abagnale. If Jesus Christ were an imposter, his con job deluded billions of people and changed the course of 2,000 years of history.
So, could Jesus have been a fake Messiah, fooling even the most noteworthy religious scholars? Is it possible he was groomed by his parents or undisclosed mentors to become the long-promised king that Israel had been looking for?
In fact, if Jesus was an imposter, he would not be the first person in the history of Israel to have lied about being the Messiah. Through the centuries prior to Christ’s birth, and afterward as well, many self-proclaimed messiahs arose, only to be shown to be cons or lunatics.
Ancient Hebrew prophecies had clearly predicted the reign of a future king who would bring peace to Israel and be their Savior. A sense of expectancy filled the land and captivated Jewish hopes and aspirations. In such an atmosphere as Israel’s, could not someone less qualified have been pressed into, or conformed himself to fit, the mold of Messiah? The answer to that question hangs on the Old Testament prophecies pointing to the Messiah.

God’s Mouth Pieces

According to the Scriptures, the God of the Hebrews spoke to his people through prophets, men and women who were especially attuned to God and who may or may not have been a part of the religious establishment. Some of the prophets’ messages were for the present; others, for the future. Either way, their role was to proclaim God’s declarations and disclosures to the people.
In general, being a prophet ranked up there with working at a meatpacking plant among the world’s most hazardous occupations. Even when they were telling the truth, prophets might be killed or thrown into prison by people who didn’t like what they were saying. (Some kings hated hearing bad news.) According to historical accounts, the prophet Isaiah was sawn in half.
So consider a prophet’s dilemma: death if he was proved wrong and the possibility of death if he was right. No true prophet wanted to offend God, and just as few wanted to be sawn in half. Thus most prophets waited until they were absolutely convinced that God had spoken, or else they kept their mouths shut. Kings began to shudder at their words. A true prophet’s messages were never wrong.
Now here’s a question: how would the accuracy of these biblical prophets match up with today’s psychics?

Prophets Vs Psychics?

To consider whether modern psychics’ accuracy approaches that of biblical prophets, let’s take Jean Dixon as a case study. This American psychic seemed to have a special ability to foretell events. But upon analysis her reputation seems unwarranted.
For instance, Dixon had a vision that on February 5, 1962, a child was born in the Middle East who would transform the world by the year 2000. This special man would create a one-world religion and bring lasting world peace. She saw a cross growing above this man until it covered the whole earth. According to Dixon, this child would be a descendant of the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti.[1] Where is this guy? Have you seen him? And how about that lasting world peace-it’s nice, huh?
In fact, an exhaustive search of her prediction yields two indisputable facts. Her rate of accuracy is equivalent to those guessing the future, and her most publicized fulfillments were prophecies so intentionally vague as any number of events could have been hailed as fulfillments.
Even the widely publicized prophecies of Nostradamus have frequently been proved wrong in spite of his vague oracles, which are difficult to disprove.[2] For example, here is one of the predictions of Nostradamus:
“Takes the Goddess of the Moon, for his Day & Movement: A frantic wanderer and witness of Gods Law, In awakening the worlds great regions to Gods will (Ones Will).”[3]
This is said to be about the death of Princess Diana. (You were probably thinking Margaret Thatcher.) Prophecies like this are as nebulous as seeing images in clouds. Yet some insist this is evidence of a Nostradamus prophecy fulfilled. Highly suspect, but difficult to disprove.
And this is generally the track record of psychics. When “The People’s Almanac” researched the predictions of 25 top psychics, 92 percent of the predictions had proved wrong. The other 8 percent were questionable and could be explained by chance or general knowledge of circumstances.[4] In other experiments with the world’s foremost psychics, their rate of accuracy has been shown to hover around 11 percent, which might not be a bad average except for the fact that people making random guesses about the future score at the same percentile. This doesn’t disprove all future telling, but it certainly explains why psychics aren’t winning the lottery.
The difference between psychics and prophets seems to be more one of kind than one of degree. Prophets made specific declarations about future events in relation to God’s unfurling plan-and did it with unwavering accuracy. Psychics are more mercenary, providing vague sketches of the future to a market willing to pay for their services. They offer sensational information, but with a flawed track record.

Religious Prophecy In Perspective

Prophecy can be rather mystical, metaphysical, and-for lack of a better word-creepy. It conjures up images of séances and other worlds. In Star Wars there is the foretelling of one who would bring balance to the Force. The Lord of the Rings movies weave their imaginary themes around scenes of prophetic utterances. But such is the world of imagination.
Regarding the real world, it has been said that if a person knew just one minute of the future he could rule the world. Think about it. One minute of knowing every hand dealt at the Trump Casino. You’d become the richest person in the world and Donald would become a postal worker.
But in the world of religion, prophecy serves an important function. It becomes one sure way to know if someone is speaking from God or if he is not, for only an omniscient God could exhaustively know the future. And on this point the prophecy in the Old Testament stands as unique, for most of the renowned holy books from other religions are devoid of predictive prophecy. For example, while the Book of Mormon and the Hindu Veda claim divine inspiration, there is really no means to corroborate their claims; you’re simply left with “Yeah, that sounds like something God might say.”
Bible scholar Wilbur Smith compared the prophecies of the Bible with other historical books, stating that the Bible “is the only volume ever produced by man, or a group of men, in which is to be found a large body of prophecies relating to individual nations, to Israel, to all the peoples of the earth, to certain cities, and to the coming one who was to be the Messiah.”[5] Thus the Bible lays out its claim for inspiration in such a way that it can be either substantiated or disproved.
And if you put this degree of accuracy into everyday perspective, you can see how astounding it is. For example, it would have been miraculous if in 1910 you had predicted that a man named George Bush would win the 2000 election. But imagine if you had included some of these details in your prediction:
  • The candidate with the most total votes would lose the election.
  • All major TV networks would announce the winner and then reverse themselves.
  • One state (Florida) would swing the election.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court would ultimately determine the winner.
Had such occurred, there would be churches named after you and dashboard statuettes bearing your likeness. But you didn’t, so there aren’t. As difficult (or impossible) as it would have been in 1910 to have accurately predicted this precise sequence of events, the odds are incredibly more difficult for Jesus, or any one person, to have fulfilled all the Hebrew prophecies for the Messiah. Contained within the Old Testament, written hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, are 61 specific prophecies and nearly 300 references about the Messiah.[6]
According to the Hebrew requirement that a prophecy must have a 100 percent rate of accuracy, the true Messiah of Israel must fulfill them all or else he is not the Messiah. So the question that either vindicates Jesus or makes him culpable for the world’s greatest hoax is, did he fit and fulfill these Old Testament prophecies?

What Are The Odds?

Let’s look at two of the specific prophecies about the Messiah in the Old Testament.
“You, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village in Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past.” (Micah 5:2, NLT)
“The Lord himself will choose [a] sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel-’God is with us.’” (Isaiah 7:14, NLT)
Now, before considering the other 59 prophecies, you have to stop and ask yourself how many people in the category of potential Messiah throughout history were born of a virgin in the town of Bethlehem. “Well, let’s see, there’s my neighbor George, but … no, never mind; he was born in Brooklyn.” In the case of 61 detailed prophecies being fulfilled by one person, we are talking about virtually impossible odds.
When forensic scientists discover a DNA profile match, the odds of having the wrong person is frequently less than one in several billion (something for deviants to keep in mind). It would seem we are in the same neighborhood of odds, and numbers of zeros, in considering a single individual fulfilling these prophecies.
Professor of mathematics Peter Stoner gave 600 students a math probability problem that would determine the odds for one person fulfilling eight specific prophecies. (This is not the same as flipping a coin eight times in a row and getting heads each time.) First the students calculated the odds of one person fulfilling all the conditions of one specific prophecy, such as being betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver. Then the students did their best to estimate the odds for all of the eight prophecies combined.
The students calculated that the odds against one person fulfilling all eight prophecies are astronomical-one in ten to the 21st power (1021). To illustrate that number, Stoner gave the following example: “First, blanket the entire Earth land mass with silver dollars 120 feet high. Second, specially mark one of those dollars and randomly bury it. Third, ask a person to travel the Earth and select the marked dollar, while blindfolded, from the trillions of other dollars.”[7]

People can do some pretty squishy things with numbers (especially with a last name like that), so it’s important to note that Stoner’s work was reviewed by the American Scientific Association, which stated, “The mathematical analysis … is based upon principles of probability which are thoroughly sound, and Professor Stoner has applied these principles in a proper and convincing way.”[8]
With that as an introduction, let’s add six more predictions to the two we’ve already considered, giving us a total of Professor Stoner’s eight:
Prophecy: The Messiah would be from the lineage of King David. - Jeremiah 23:5 - 600 B.C.
Fulfillment: “Jesus … the son of David …” - Luke 3:23, 31 - 4 B.C.
Prophecy: The Messiah would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. - Zechariah 11:13 - 487 B.C.
Fulfillment: “They gave him thirty pieces of silver.” - Matthew 26:15 - 30 A.D.
Prophecy: The Messiah would have his hands and feet pierced. - Psalm 22:16 - 1000 B.C. Fulfillment: “They came to a place called The Skull. All three were crucified there-Jesus on the center cross, and the two criminals on either side.” - Luke 23:33 - 30 A.D.
Prophecy: People would cast lots for the Messiah’s clothing. - Psalm 22:18 - 1000 B.C. Fulfillment: “The soldiers … took his robe, but it was seamless, woven in one piece from the top. So they said, ‘Let’s not tear it but throw dice to see who gets it.’ ” - John 19:23-24 - 30 A.D.
Prophecy: The Messiah would appear riding on a donkey. - Zechariah 9:9
- 500 B.C.
Fulfillment: “They brought the animals to him and threw their garments over the colt, and he sat on it.” - Matthew 21:7 - 30 A.D.
Prophecy: A messenger would be sent to herald the Messiah. - Malachi 3:1 - 500 B.C. Fulfillment: John told them, “I baptize with water, but right here in the crowd is someone you do not know.” - John 1:26 - 27 A.D.
The eight prophecies we’ve reviewed about the Messiah were written by men from different times and places between about 500 and 1,000 years before Jesus was born. Thus there was no opportunity for collusion among them. Notice too, the specificity. This is not the genre of a Nostradamus prediction-”When the moon turns green, the lima bean will lie cloaked by the roadside.”

Out Of His Control

Imagine winning a Powerball lottery with merely one ticket among tens of millions sold. Now imagine winning a hundred of these lotteries in a row. What would people think? Right, “It was rigged!”
And over the years a similar claim has been made by skeptics about Jesus’ fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. They have granted that Jesus fulfilled messianic prophecies but have accused him of living his life in such a way as to intentionally fulfill them. A reasonable objection, but not as plausible as it might seem.
Consider the nature of just four of the messianic prophecies:
  • His lineage would come from David (Jeremiah 23:5).
  • His birth would occur in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).
  • He would migrate to Egypt (Hosea 11:1).
  • He would live in Nazareth (Isaiah 11:1).[9]
Now, what could Jesus do about fulfilling these prophecies? Neither he nor his parents had any control over his ancestry. His birth in Bethlehem was the result of a census mandated by Caesar Augustus. His parents’ move to Egypt was prompted by King Herod’s persecution. And once Herod died, Jesus’ parents naturally decided to resettle in Nazareth.
Even if at a young age an imposter Jesus looked at the prophecies he had accidentally fulfilled and decided to go for it and see if he could make the rest (like someone deciding to shoot the moon in the card game Hearts), the deck would still have been impossibly stacked against him. Consider some of the factors in the prophecies we’ve already looked at: the Messiah would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver; he would be killed by means of crucifixion; and people would cast lots for his clothes. These prophecies all came true for Jesus, yet what control did he have over the fulfillment of any of them?
Bible scholars tell us that nearly 300 references to 61 specific prophecies of the Messiah were fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The odds against one person fulfilling that many prophecies would be beyond all mathematical possibility. It could never happen, no matter how much time was allotted. One mathematician’s estimate of those impossible odds is “one chance in a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion.”[10]
Bertrand Russell, adamant atheist, was asked in a Look magazine interview what evidence it would take for him to believe in God. Russell responded, “Well, if I heard a voice from heaven and it predicted a series of things and they came to pass, then I guess I’d have to believe there’s some kind of supernatural being.”
Bible scholar Norman Geisler responded to Russell’s skepticism. “I’d say, ‘Mr. Russell, there has been a voice from heaven; it has predicted many things; and we’ve seen them undeniably come to pass.’”[11] Geisler was alluding to the fact that only a transcendent Being outside of time would be able to accurately predict future events.

Proof In A Jar

We’ve looked at the evidence for Jesus’ fulfillment of messianic prophecies from every angle but one. What if the Christian scribes who copied scrolls of Isaiah and the other Old Testament prophetic books altered them to make them correspond to Jesus’ life?
This is a question many scholars and skeptics have asked. And it seems possible, even plausible at first glance. It would prevent us from making Jesus into a lying imposter, which seems highly unlikely, and it would explain the amazing accuracy of his fulfillment of prophecies. So, how do we know that the Old Testament prophetic books, such as Isaiah, Daniel, and Micah, were written hundreds of years before Christ, as purported? And if they were, how do we know Christians didn’t alter the texts later?
For 1,900 years, many skeptics held fast to that theory, based upon the human impossibility of accurately predicting future events. But then something occurred that doused all enthusiasm for such a clandestine conspiracy. Something called the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Half a century back, the finding of the Dead Sea scrolls provided Bible scholars with copies of Old Testament books that were far older than any others known to exist. Extensive tests proved that many of these copies were made before Jesus Christ even lived. And they are virtually identical to the texts of the Bible we were already using.
As a result, even scholars who deny Jesus as the Messiah accept these manuscripts of the Old Testament as having predated his birth and therefore concede that the prophecies about the Messiah contained within them have not been altered in order to conform to Jesus.
If these predictions were fulfilled so accurately through the life of Jesus, it seems logical to wonder why everyone in Israel would not have been able to see it. But as his crucifixion attests, not everyone did see it. As the apostle John said of Jesus, “Even in his own land and among his own people, he was not accepted” (John 1:11, NLT). Why?

Considering the embattled history of Israel, it is not difficult to read into the definition of Messiah the idea of a political freedom fighter. It is understandable how a first-century Jewish person might think, How could the Messiah have come and Israel still be oppressed under Roman occupation?
While Jesus fulfilled the messianic prophecies, he did so in ways that no one was expecting. He sought a moral and spiritual revolution, not a political one, accomplishing his objectives through self-sacrifice and humble service, healing and teaching. Meanwhile, Israel was looking for another Moses or Joshua who would lead them in a conquest to recover their lost kingdom.
Of course, many Jews of Jesus’ day did recognize him as the Messiah-the entire foundation of the Christian church being Jewish. The majority, however, did not. And it’s not so hard to comprehend why.
To better understand the first-century Jews’ misunderstanding, consider this messianic prophecy written 700 years before the birth of Jesus by the prophet Isaiah. Was it referring to Jesus?
“All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the guilt and sins of us all.”
“He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the people realized that he was dying for their sins-that he was suffering their punishment? He had done no wrong, and he never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man’s grave.”
“But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush him and fill him with grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have a multitude of children, many heirs … And because of what he has experienced, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins.” (Portions of Isaiah 53:6-11, NLT)
As Jesus hung on the cross, some understandably may have been thinking, How could this be the Messiah? At the same time, others may have been wondering, Who else but Jesus could Isaiah be talking about?

Impossible Imposter

So, what are we to make of Jesus having fulfilled so many prophecies written hundreds of years prior to his birth? Leonardo DiCaprio … I mean, Frank Abagnale might be a good imposter, but even he got caught by the time he was old enough to drink a beer legally.
Jesus doesn’t look anything like a more competent Frank Abagnale. He’s in a different category altogether. No imposter could ever beat such odds as those presented by Hebrew prophecy.
And what does that mean? Two conclusions emerge: First, only a transcendent Being could orchestrate such events. And second, it makes all of Jesus’ other claims credible and worthy of serious consideration.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus made the claim, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Overwhelming evidence seems to indicate that the signature on that check is not a forgery.

Source and more information:
More information about Jesus Christ:

That the Jewish People accept the True Moshiach, JESUS CHRIST.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Take Action For Israel 22

The F-16 fighter jet is one of America's most lethal weapons.
Egypt's President has declared that Egyptian Christians must "convert, pay tribute, or leave."
The Muslim Brotherhood – the ruling party of Egypt – has declared that the Jewish people are the "source of evil in the world."
Despite the escalating threats coming from Egypt's terrorist-led government, the Obama Administration is set to give Egypt 20 American-made F-16 jets and require American servicemen to train Egyptian pilots.
We cannot allow the possibility of American weapons being pointed at Israel or the Egyptian people. Join the ACLJ in demanding that all aid to Egypt be cut off until Congress can certify that it is in the interest of U.S. and Israeli national security.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel
P.S. Please forward this critical petition on Facebook and through email.
Contribute NowDouble Your GiftSource:

God blesses Israel and Shalom!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Celebrate Hanukkah and Pray For Israel

As we celebrate Hanukkah beginning tomorrow evening, I'd like to invite you to join us in eight days of prayer for Israel and for the Jewish people around the world. During the eight days of the holiday, we will be posting specific prayer requests on our Chosen People Ministries Facebook and Twitter accounts.
I cannot tell you how much we need your prayers at this time! We are still facing the threat of war in Israel. In addition, our Chosen People Ministries workers around the globe are meeting with Jewish people who need Messiah every day.
Let's unite our hearts in prayer for the Jewish people and most importantly for our efforts in bringing the Messiah Jesus - the Light of the World – to His kinsman according to the flesh. To receive and share the prayer requests, you can friend us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!
Your brother,
Dr. Mitch Glaser
President Chosen People Ministries


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Happy Hanukkah and God blesses Israel!

Friday, December 7, 2012


Exclusive: Joel Richardson sees prophets declaring 'utter devastation' on PA territories

On Nov. 29, 2012, 138 nations passed U.N. Resolution 67/19 on “The Question of Palestine.” The resolution expresses support for the right of “the Palestinian people … to their independent State of Palestine.”
In light of this deeply profound and historical event, and in light of the overwhelming and global bias against the nation of Israel, it is essential that all students of the Bible stop to consider what the Bible says about the future of both the nation of Israel and “Palestine.”
When one surveys the many biblical passages that speak of the return of the Messiah, it quickly becomes apparent that among the primary issues Jesus returns to confront is the persecution, marginalization and unjust treatment of Israel by the nations of the earth. Despite the fact that the anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist propaganda of the age are widely embraced even by large segments of the Christian Church, the Bible is clear that when Jesus returns, he will specifically execute judgment against the enemies of Israel.
According to the prophet Joel, just prior to the return of Jesus, a vast number of nations will invade Israel and surround the city of Jerusalem. Joel tells us that Jesus will execute judgment against all parties involved in this invasion as well as any who force the dividing of His land:
I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land. – Joel 3:2
It is clear from this prophecy that a distinct Palestinian state will become reality. The prophet goes on to speak of the Lord executing vengeance against those from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories who have engaged in violence against the people of Israel:
What are you to Me, O Tyre, Sidon and all the regions of Philistia? Are you rendering Me a recompense? But if you do recompense Me, swiftly and speedily I will return your recompense on your head. – Joel 3:4
Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom a desolate wilderness, Because of violence against the people of Judah, for they have shed innocent blood in their land. But Judah will be inhabited forever And Jerusalem for all generations. And I will avenge their blood which I have not avenged, For the LORD dwells in Zion. – Joel 3:19-21
According to the prophet Ezekiel, Jesus comes back to execute judgment against those who cling to the “ancient hatred” directed toward the Jewish people and shed the blood of “the children of Israel”:
“Because you have had an ancient hatred, and have shed the blood of the children of Israel by the power of the sword at the time of their calamity … therefore, as I live,” says the Lord GOD, “I will prepare you for blood, and blood shall pursue you; since you have not hated blood, therefore blood shall pursue you.” – Ezekiel 35:5-7
And according to the prophet Isaiah, the Day of the Lord, or the return of Jesus, is specifically a time when the Lord will vindicate Israel in the midst of “the legal cause,” or “the controversy of Zion”:
For the LORD has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion. –Isaiah 34:8
So while it is clear that Jesus comes back to stand with and defend the oppressed and persecuted nation of Israel, perhaps even more shocking to some is the fact that the Bible also specifically describes the utter devastation and judgment of Gaza and the whole of the Palestinian territory. The prophet Zephaniah, in speaking of the Day of the Lord, warns all men to “Seek righteousness, seek humility. Perhaps you will be hidden In the day of the LORD’s anger.” Then comes a very stark description of what lies ahead for the Palestinian state when Jesus returns:
For Gaza will be abandoned. … Woe to the inhabitants of the seacoast, the nation of the Cherethites! The word of the LORD is against you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines; and I will destroy you so that there will be no inhabitant. So the seacoast will be pastures, with caves for shepherds and folds for flocks. And the coast will be for the remnant of the house of Judah, they will pasture on it. In the houses of Ashkelon they will lie down at evening; For the LORD their God will care for them and restore their fortune. – Zephaniah 2:4-7
According to this prophecy, the future Palestinian state will be destroyed and abandoned for the Jewish people to inhabit.
For some, after reading this information, there will be the temptation to write off the Palestinians and all enemies of Israel. But if we fail to recognize that through this passage, the Lord is calling everyone, including Palestinians, to repentance, then we fail to show appreciation for the the mercy that He has shown to us. Jesus died for us, while we were yet his enemies (Romans 5:8-10). Jesus was quite explicit in his warning against this kind of ungrateful spirit (Matthew 18:23-35). The church must diligently pray for Palestinians to find repentance and to become servants of the God of Israel.
For others, there will be temptation to simply disregard these prophecies, casually disregarding them as fulfilled in ancient history. But this cannot be done without committing a measure of violence against these texts. The many warnings of a last days gathering of the nations against Jerusalem throughout the prophets are not easy to disregard as irrelevant for our day, particularly in light of the direction the Middle East is taking right now. For those who believe that God is done with Israel, you may consider the obvious fact that Satan doesn’t seem to have received the memo. While a majority of the Jewish people today still reject Jesus as Messiah, their election and calling remains sure (Romans 11:28-29). Paul warned against becoming either arrogant or ignorant regarding this fact (Romans 11:20, 25). It is time for the whole church to recognize the fact that the creator of heaven and earth is the God of Israel. This is the title that he has designated for Himself for all eternity. When Jesus returns, he will take a very specific political stance – it is time for the church to get on board.
See all of Joel Richardson’s books and prophecy DVDs, including his blockbuster “Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist” at the WND Superstore
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Videos about it:

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Luke 21:28
God blesses you and Shalom!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blessings 2

Bring Blessings
of Strength and Peace

Because of your support, Jewish people living in extreme hardship and facing danger around the world – from those recently under attack by terrorists, to those battling the silent killers of poverty and illness are protected and comforted in their time of need.
Every day I am humbled by friends like you, and your selfless support for our lifesaving programs that give such blessings of strength and peace to God's people.
It is only through your generous gifts that The Fellowship is able to provide critical life–sustaining assistance. Together, through your prayers and gifts, we have helped:
People like Eli, a young father living in Ashkelon, an Israeli city recently targeted by terrorist rocket fire. Thanks to you, through our Guardians of Israel program we renovated the bomb shelter in Eli’s modest immigrant housing so that it now has running water, electricity, and emergency supplies.
Donate Now
Or Alexander, who was forced to change schools several times in his native Russia due to numerous incidents of anti–Semitism. Thanks to our On Wings of Eagles partners, Alexander was able to move to Israel, where he finally has freedom to learn and feels fully at home.

Or Syla, a Holocaust survivor who lives in a two–room shack in Ukraine with no electricity or running water. Thanks to our Isaiah 58 supporters, Syla receives food, medication, heating fuel, and regular visits from a home–care worker.
Sadly, while Eli, Alexander and Syla are getting the assistance they need, their stories of hardship continue to be all too common and reflect the heartbreaking conditions that many Jewish people around the world still face every day.
However, by donating to The Fellowship right now, you can provide basic necessities to impoverished elderly in Israel, to Holocaust survivors in need, Jewish orphans in the former Soviet Union, and displaced Jews all around the world who long to come to the Holy Land to escape oppression.
With so many around the world lacking even basic necessities like food, shelter, and safety, please make the most generous year–end gift you possibly can.
On behalf of all those whose lives you touch, “May the Lord bless you from Zion, He who is the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 134:3).
Thank you for your selfless generosity—and may this season be a joyous one for you and your loved ones!
With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Sig
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
As 2012 closes, I urge you to make a special year–end gift to support The Fellowship’s lifesaving programs that bless Israel and Jewish people around the world.


Monday, December 3, 2012


 Have several ways to suicide yourself, where some of them are quick and other slow. It looks that the "palestinians" chose the slowest way to suicide. Today has 10 millions of "palestinians" (I am not sure), but is going to arrive a time that is going to have some or none "palestinians" for tell the history. That can happen because they are challenging the God of Israel, the true God, that is above the god of "palestinians", Allah (or the devil in person).
 "Palestinians" are the sons of the devil, so they hate Israel and are arranged to create the imaginary state of the Palestine (that is in the imagination of the devil and his servants "palestinians"), for will be able to in the near future, destroy Israel and the Jews.
 The "palestinians" don't know that they are digging to own burial, where in the moment that they will try to destroy Israel, they will be destroyed by God, therefore He only permit the "palestinians" will have their first victories, for afterwards will be defeated by God definitely.
 For whom is married or is ready to marry, what would you do with someone that did some evil against your wife or loved? Think! Certainty, you would go to avenge this person, right!?  If yes, this is the kind of revenge that God is going to give to the "palestinians", therefore who touches in Israel or in the Jews, touches in the girl of the eyes of God (Zacarias 2:8). God is vindictive with His enemies (2 Samuel 22:48 and Psalms 18:47), and horrendous thing is going to fall in the hands of the living God (Hebrew 10:31).
 "Palestinians" still has time of will repent and will seek God while there is time, therefore will go in front with the plans to destroy Israel, God is going to destroy not just the "palestinians", but all the nations that were with them (Isaiah 24), because God always defended Israel and never will forget Israel (Isaiah 44:21 and 49:15, and Amos 8:7).
 Pray to God protect Israel, have mercy of all of the peoples, open the eyes of the governs of the world and freedom the Christians from the evil.  Fear God, for will be wise and be against the Palestine's cause (Proverbs 1:7 and Eclesiastes 8:13).



Thursday, November 29, 2012


 Have you asked why the "palestinians" authorities are going to create the absence state of Palestinian  without recognize the existence of the state of Israel and without agreements of peace? Think about it! The answer is obviates: With the creation of the state of Palestine without recognize the state of Israel and without agreements of peace, that will give the "right" for the "palestinians" will continue with the terrorist attacks against Israel and to even of destroy Israel if have the opportunity.  Simple like this, but neither everybody know about that!
 The world that already is of the devil (1 John 5:19), is in favor of the "Palestine" and against Israel, therefore the world want to satisfy the wills of the devil that is the destruction of Israel.  With that, the UN (organization of the devil) is supporting Abbas (representative of the "palestinians" and of the devil) in the creation of the Palestine, where ask the others countries members to vote in favor of this resolution TODAY, the first step to destroy Israel later. The world want to destroy Israel right now, but they are doing everything gradually.
 Unfortunately, I believe that the UN and Abbas go to obtain the creation of this terrorist, genocide and satanic state. It is not going to advance to try open the eyes of the people, therefore already are blind by the devil for will not see the truth.  So, we will be able to advance is to our prayer:
-Pray to God touch in the heart of the representatives of each nation, for will vote against the resolution. Only this can stop the creation of the Palestine.
-Case be created this DAMNED state, pray for the authorities of Israel will be firm and will not accept this affront, neither that should be at war against the entire world, therefore GOD WILL FIGHT TO ISRAEL!
-Pray for God protect Israel and all the Jewish people in Israel. Pray also for God supply the needs of Israel and of the Jews.
-Pray to God make justice against the nations that will vote in favor of the resolution, without reach the Jews and the true Christians (that are in favor of Israel) that live in these countries.
-Pray for God bless the countries that will vote against the resolution.
-Pray for Israel and in the Church of Christ wake up now.
 We must follow in prayer and we will go to the end by Israel and the Jews.
 I do not recognize the state of the Palestine, therefore to own history reveals that this state (or kingdom) never existed, can research at ease, and case be created against the will of God, soon will be destroyed by God and all the nations that voted in favor of this resolution, paid dearly for that, therefore God will avenge this affront.



Tuesday, November 27, 2012

THE WORST CONTRADICTION: Israel Protects Gays, But They Are Against Israel!

By Julio Severo
Gay activists will be in the forefront of the World Social Forum: Free Palestine, an international event to be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil from November 28 to December 1, 2012, which will bring together Marxist activists from around the world to demand a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and boycotts against Israel.
Palestinian Queers for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions, Pinkwatching Israel wants to mobilize Brazilian and international activists and social movements around queer visions, boycott, divestment, sanctions, and pinkwatching against Israel.
Marxists and gay activists are not strange bedfellows in the West. But gays in the forefront of the anti-Israel event in Brazil are not Westerners. They are Palestinians.
Even though homosexuals are not tolerated in Muslim nations, Palestinians have found that homosexuals are not totally useless, at least not for their strategic public relations in the West. If Westerners like things in a homosexual way, Muslims will grant their wishes.
Yet, the use of homosexuals for public relations against Israel has nothing to do with their treatment in their own Muslim nations.
One young man discovered to be gay was forced by Palestinian Authority police “to stand in sewage water up to his neck, his head covered by a sack filled with feces, and then he was thrown into a dark cell infested with insects.” During one interrogation Palestinian police stripped him and forced him to sit on a Coke bottle.
When he was released he fled to Israel. If he were forced to return to Gaza, he said, “The police would kill me.”
An American who foolishly moved into the West Bank to live with his Palestinian lover said they told everyone they were just friends, but one day they “found a letter under our door from the Islamic court. It listed the five forms of death prescribed by Islam for homosexuality, including stoning and burning. We fled to Israel that same day,” he said.
According to a gay group, “The persecution of gays in the Palestinian Authority doesn’t just come from the families or the Islamic groups, but from the P.A. itself.”
One gay man went to Israel for a short time. When he returned to the West Bank, Palestinian Authority police confined him to a pit without food and water until he died.
The majority of Muslims in the East consider harsh treatment of homosexuals to be perfectly justified.
Textbooks for Islamic Studies, officially used by the Saudi Ministry of Education, say:
“Homosexuality is one of the most disgusting sins and greatest crimes.... It is a vile perversion that goes against sound nature, and is one of the most corrupting and hideous sins.... The punishment for homosexuality is death… [the perpetrator] is to be burned with fire. It has also been said that he should be stoned, or thrown from a high place.”
Ten Muslim nations officially impose the death penalty for homosexuals. They are Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and some states in Malaysia.
Other Muslim countries have no official death penalty for homosexuals, but homosexuals are murdered anyway by police and the population.
Regardless the harsh reality for homosexuals in Muslim nations, including among Palestinians, Brazil and the West will gladly welcome Palestinian gays at World Social Forum: Free Palestine asking for world boycotts against Israel.
After all, Brazil and the West just love to be deceived — about Israel, gay supremacism and “the religion of peace.”
The truth behind the deception is: Marxists and Muslims hate Israel.
It will not be impossible for gay activists in the Palestinian public relations campaign to receive support from Brazilian and Western homosexuals. Some years ago, Brazilian gay activist Tony Goes said,
“I dare to ask a question: Was the creation of Israel a good idea? It is indisputable the success of the Israeli society, which in a short time turned what was a piece of desert into a democratic nation with a European standard of living (and beautiful men!). Yet, would not the world be a bit more peaceful without this permanent focus of strife in the Middle East?”
This is the dream of every Nazi and Muslim: a world without Israel.
Of course, gay activists also see Christianity as a permanent focus of strife, and they, with Nazis and Muslims, would welcome the idea that a world without Christianity would be more peaceful.
By the way, some years ago Tony Goes said, “What I like most is the look of Julio Severo: he wants to be Jesus Christ. Folks, let us make his dream into reality and crucify him!”
If, for the sake of world peace, he wants even the extinction of Israel, who I am to deserve his mercy?
But the fact has not changed: the land of Israel is the dream and promise of God to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Palestinians can use gays and other strategies, but no one can take away what God has promised.
Palestinians can have 50% of the Brazilian or American land, if Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Barack Obama agree, but be clearly advised: the Land of Israel has already an Owner and heirs, and any boycott against them is an act against Him.
With information from WikiIslam.
Gays prefer to stand against Israel that to stand against the Islamic homophobic.
Gays prefer to protect the homophobic "palestinians" that to protect the Jews even not being homophobic.
Gays wish well for your killers "palestinians", but they are not imported with the Jews and gays in Middle East.
God has mercy of gays, because they haven't mercy with their self.