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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Help Israel's Homeless Youth

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Fellowship Friend,
Shaul was 14 when he decided to leave.
You see, Shaul endured unending abuse from the hands of his mother. He was battered and scarred…both physically and emotionally.
He would miss school for weeks at a time because his mother wanted to hide the ruthless beatings he received. He was locked in his house for days without supervision or food.
Sadly, Shaul’s story is not unique. There are innocent boys and girls all over Israel who are in need of assistance right now. Will you please come to their aid by supporting the Helping Hands Campaign today?
IFCJ proudly supports a network of homes throughout Israel that are providing basic necessities like food and shelter to over 24,000 homeless young people. When they enter one of these Fellowship Houses they find a loving and stable home.
“At age 15, for the first time in my life I actually felt safe,” he recalls.
Unfortunately, because Israel needs to use her resources to fight terrorism and defend her borders, there is often very little left to help homeless youth like Shaul. You can help fill that gap when you make a gift to the IFCJ Helping Hands Campaign.
Shaul is the perfect example of how our IFCJ sponsored homes change lives. After arriving, he signed up for high school and received extensive therapy. He then served in the Israeli army and went on to university. Today, Shaul is giving back as a youth counselor helping the next generation of homeless youth!
Please, give another young person the chance for a new life. Reach out to offer a “Helping Hand” today.
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength" (Isaiah 40:29-31).
With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Sig
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
Shaul received help, but so many more young people in Israel still need a safe place to live. Please help us reach our campaign goal of $250,000 so that we can help create more success stories like Shaul’s. Make a donation to IFCJ’s Helping Hands Campaign today.


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